Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Inagural Blog

Ok, starting up a new Blog page here, maybe I will keep up with this one more regularly than myspace. Its Wed. and the kids are headed back to school after Vacation and Fall Break. Stephanie has an upset stomach but still wants to go to school. I am afraid I am going to have to go get her later. I am still trying to get used to getting up early again. On the plus side, Sam slept ALL night last night, Jenna still was up a fair amount however.
I am still having to go through all the pictures we took on vacation and clean up and process the good ones. I started a set on my Flickr account for pictures I think would make good Large prints and will need to decide which ones are the best. I need to look up how to register or ensure my copyright on them and then maybe print and see if I could even sell them. I am going to continue to look for photo contests to enter and need to keep up practicing to increase my skills. I still don't get how to evaluate correctly for exposure etc, I may need a light meter. I think a class would be helpful as well.

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