Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Night

Well its 9/11/09 8 years since the day America was attacked. Everyone says the world changed that day, and in many ways it did. But its still very similar in a lot of ways. I get up every day, go to work, raise my kids, love my wife, try to live as Christ would have me live.
I doubt there is much I can say on this day about it that would be different or original from what has already been said by so many others, and so much more eloquently than I.
Instead I am bringing it home.

On Sunday my daughter turns 10. Tonight is her sleep-over Birthday party. 9 girls invited, 8 came and one is on her way home. Homesick. Still aside from some attitude on the part of Stephanie (which is normal for her) its going pretty well.
Jenna isn't feeling her best and threw-up a few times. Its a big deal turning 10. The transition from single to double-digit ages. Of course trying to get a bunch of pre-teen girls to settle down for bed was its own exercise in logistics of sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, and who sleeps next to who and how you arrange the girls so they aren't kicking someone in the head.

Today has been a strange day. Aside from all the memories and associated emotion with This paticular day I have been off all day. Not sure exactly why but just not at ease with myself.
Its getting late and I should go to bed soon, but have to stay up till the girls are asleep in case we lose another.

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