Wednesday, March 28, 2012


It has been a lot longer than I had planned on writing here again.   I hardly have to time do keep up with what I have to do, much less things I'd like to do.   though for the past week and a half I have had a lot more time on my hands than I planned.   A week ago Saturday we took the kids up to the church to ride the bicycles we got them for Christmas.   We had just been able to get helmets and they were excited to go riding.   Well After riding for a bit I decided to take a turn on Stephanie's bike.   I went back and forth a few times picking up a decent amount of speed and decided to do a "Slide-out" where I lock down the back wheel and slide sideways to a stop.  Well  It started fine, then the bike just Stopped and I went up and over and landed hard.  I rolled absorbing the fall and felt like I had twisted my ankle.   Then I stood up.  put my foot down slowly and put some weight on it and watched the ankle just fold over sideways at which point I fell again and realized I really really hurt.  After laying there for awhile while Yvette tried to call someone to take me to the hospital she got a hold of Brandi and she drove us to the hospital.  Turns out I have a closed bimalleolar (potts) fracture of the ankle.  On Monday I had an appointment with Dr. Ferran who is an excellent orthopedic surgeon and he confirmed that I needed Surgery to fix the ankle.  It was originally scheduled for Today, but there were able to fit me in Yesterday and I went in at noon for surgery at 1:30.  Most of yesterday and today has been spent recovering and getting my pain medication adjusted so that i can handle the extra pain from the surgery.  I have a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks to asses my healing and in the mean time I am doing my best with the pain and working from home.   The image shows the X-ray image from the ER visit.  
I want to thank everyone for their prayers and support and most especially thank my wife Yvette for taking care of me and being a wonderful strong woman who has shouldered having to deal with not only an immobile husband, but the entire care of kids and home all at once.  You are a strong woman Yvette and I love you and appreciate everything you do and have done for our family and for me.  

It isn't easy for me to be cooped up in bed like this.  I independent by nature and having to get help for almost everything isn't easy.  I know we will all be glad when I am mobile again and can take up my normal routine.  The hardest part in some ways is that it is my right ankle so I can't drive anywhere till it heals up.
It isn't easy, but we will get through this and we will be stronger afterward.  The Lord never gives us more than we can handle.  And when we do reach our limit, he is there to pick us up and carry us.

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