In what was a surprise to almost EveryOne, Donald Trump is President-Elect and will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. He was not my first, or second or even third choice as president, but he is who was elected. I am trying not to worry. Instead I should remember that God is in control. It is his will for this country. But he has brought to the front, the very worst elements of the Republican Fringe. The idealogical left takes this as the final proof that the right is in fact the very worst of racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic and simply the worst of humanity. Christians and conservatives need to step up, and repudiate these views vocally and with conviction and strength. We also must reach out in love to these groups that feel their very lives are now in danger. The Church must in fact take the lead in standing strong morally but never forget that We must do all things in Love. Paul warned about this. Speaking with the authority of the Lord is useless unless we do so in Love.
I implore the readers to lift up Trump, Pence and all our leaders in prayer. Pray that they will receive wisdom from the Lord and they will be humble with the responsibility we the people have vested in them. The election this year was so very divisive and we need to remember that the people who are on the other side of the aisle are NOT are moral and mortal enemies. They may be wrong morally and misguided, but for the most part they believe they are fighting for what they believe is right as well. They are fellow humans, loved by the Lord, and are no better or worse than us. We are all sinners all in need of grace. It is incumbent upon us to show them the grace that the Lord Jesus has shown us and to remember that we too are human and fallible. We are not perfect and can be wrong. We need to be willing to accept rebuke when we are wrong and seek to make it right when we have wronged another.
Remember that no matter if you approve of who is the president or not, God is in control and his Perfect will shall be completed. Lift up our nation and its leaders in prayer. Keep the faith, look toward the hope, and act in Love.